Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Riding in hot cars

If you are like me, you love to take your dogs with you everywhere. I sincerely enjoy how a simple thing like my dogs' heads hanging out the window can help to put a smile on the faces of the people we pull up next to.

That, and it's like our dogs have ESP when it comes to car rides. They can sense when I'm about to grab the keys and go somewhere, and they place their little bodies in front of the door as if to say, "You'll have to go through us first!"

That makes it extremely hard to say "No" when they are looking at you with those big puppy-dog eyes. But in the summer time, saying "No" just might actually save your dog's health, or life, even.

Now, if you are just going for a drive, or are going somewhere where you can take your dogs inside, (insert shameless plug here) such as The Phur Seasons, :) then by all means, take them with you. But if you are running errands and cannot take your pooches inside, you are much better leaving them at home.

Heat exhaustion is a HUGE problem for dogs in the summer time, and a car can become an easy bake oven for Fido. Even with the windows cracked or rolled half way down, the heat in the car cannot escape as fast as it flows in, and in just a few minutes your dog can experience heat exhaustion to the point of brain damage or even death.  Of course, if you have no other option but to take your doggies, have a spare set of keys and leave your car running with the air conditioning on ... Just be extra careful to leave the car in park. ;)

P.S. If you see a dog sitting in a hot car, please be sure to call the Humane Society.

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